September 1st – a sad day in the Skype community

September, 1st (so that’s today) is a sad and dark day for many in the Skype community! As Skype announced, SkypeCasts is no more!

Effective from now on, SkypeCasts is down.

Skype even replied to the comments on the above linked announcement.

Skype’s replies to the angry and sad usershi can be read here.

Skype is definately going into the wrong direction. – I hope they will notice this before it’s too late!

It will be sad to see Skype going downhill being a day-1 user of Skype!

According to this was done to be more buisiness like:

“In order to focus its business more, Skype also just announced that it will disable Skypecasts, Skype’s ability to broadcast to a large group of listeners, effective September 1st.”

Not a nice reasoning if you ask me.

At least Dan York wrote something nice about how Skype changed the way to think about communication!

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Ipevo SOLO (S0-10) firmware not working (as it’s broken)

I have complained very often in past that the technical skill and the knowledge about their own product of the the Technical Support Guys is often extremely questionably.

I have been stuffed with many false information just to figure out they had no idea what they are talking about. Even being very polite and always keeping their temper isn’t really helping the users.

Granted, they released a firmware update that fixes a lot of bugs but unfortunately it appears they revised the update and re-uploaded it just to figure out it’s broken now as the device will say you already have the latest update and will just not update.

They have removed it from the product page but kept it on the grouped products download page.

Latest firmware is from Dec 06, 2007 and it fixes a lot of bugs and issues.

Please contact me and I will send you the WOKRING update for your Ipevo SOLO!

I have been told that the Ipevo guys read my blog, so I would appreciate a feedback from Ipevo!

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My blog: Now you can make suggestions and vote on them!

I have added another service to my blog just now.

On the main page you can see the “Feedback” tab button on the right hand side. It leads you to an UserVoice site where now you can make suggestions and vote on them!

Feel free to use it!

I will also give feedback on suggestions entered by you!

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Blog maintenance completed

The Blog maintenance is completed now.

This wasn’t done by Mr. Dew as – except for 2 emails – he didn’t get really back to me.

The bugs have been ironed out thanks to the fantastic work of the SezWho Team who I contacted asking for help.

So my blog also works now with the default security and privacy settings in IE again (A problem with The SezWho JS prevented this), also the Swicki Badge displays in Safari now.

It also looks equal in Opera and Firefox.

A letter to them resulted in an email conversation with their developer – thanks!

On the downside, I have to say that the Forum is still down – the reason for this is that since last week I have the problem that my internet is some days down betweem 9:30 PM and 23 PM.

My ISP didn’t find the cause for this, yet!

So far I can celebrate that yesterday and today, no problems so far! 🙂

I hope to be able to spam clean my forum soon (probably on Monday the 9th September).

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Skype celebrates 5 years

Skype celebrates 5 years of being.

Skype has a lot of space for improvment, like multiple account problems fixing, customer care & suppor working, etc.

Many people felt the way Skype goes with 4.0 is wrong.

Skype has a lot of problems to solve so let’s see how well they will go with it.

You can read all accross the press that Ebay wasn’t so happy with its investment after all.

All the best Skype for the next 5 years.

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AAA USBCells available!


The AAA cells are not from USBCell!

Here is their statement:

Hello Joerg,

USBCELL is a patented product created by Moixa Energy Ltd.

The AAA size batteries have not yet been launched. We are contacting Amerone regarding the AAA cells they offer. Moixa Energy holds the patent for USBCELL and therefore any AAA cells would be in breach of our patent and might be harmful to devices you use it in, as it does not go through our QA procedures.

You can purchase the AA size directly from us on

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Filipe Vieira”

Looks like Amerone has a soft spot for surprising people as they ineed have AAA USBCells available for order! 🙂

Amazing, as I found them nowhere else even not on and I received no availability email from USBCell.comeither!

I had reviewed the AA type of the batteries and found them to be awesome. If the AAA type is the same quality wise, then here we have got another sale hit!

Looks like the USBCell Man did a superb job!!

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Is the iPhone 3G that slow?….

Well, it isn’t, at least not for me and I get 600 kbit/s UMTS (3G)
Well, maybe because I am not living in the US?
Who knows.

Anyway, blogger Rob Reed posted a video that compares the TV spot speed wih the speed of the US.

I can only say glad sometimes to not live there. It might be only in some hardware revisions as mine works fine no hiccups or anything….and then notice I have got one of the first 5000 (so first row sent to customers) over here.

Anyway here is the video, enjoy:

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Game Title Tunes differeing on each system

It’s interesting how Game Title Tunes are differeing on each system. Seldom they sound equal or even similar to each other. However for Deflektor from Gremlin Graphics you can say they sound pretty close to each other (I love the C64 version which I own myself as an orighinal 🙂 ).

The ZX Spectrum version of Deflektor – not bad!

The Commodore 64 version – Ben Daglish aka Benn rocks!

The Amiga version – Nice drums! 🙂 and digis!

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iPhone: Firmware 2.0.X breaks TV composite cable support

Update: The situation has changed now, see here !!!

As experienced by myself and others, the Phone: Firmware 2.0.X breaks TV composite cable support breaks support of the Ipod and iPhone TV Out Composite cable (used for Europe).

Many users experienced the same and posted it in the iPhone 3G Support Forum:

” Several people have left comments on this board and one over at saying that they had a cable that had been working with their original iPhones (not 3G) before the 2.0 software update, but then stopped working after the 2.0 update. could it be a software/firmware issue?

The fact that we are seeing some video out capability to the TV, even if just for a minute or so before the iphone stops playing the video, implies to me that it is a firmware or software issue, which could potentially be fixed with the next software update.”

Me too has notified Apple and hope they will offer a fix soonish.

This is what AppleStore told me:

“. The composite cable doesn’t work for the iPhone 3G as the pinout is totally different. Therefor, all cables have to be checked for compatibility by Apple first and then getting redesigned. When the Composite TV cable for the iPhone3G will come we don’t know”

So, only time will tell!

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