Readers of this blog might have figured out by now, that getting old devices and software to run under newer non-supported Windows version is one of my things.
I am happy that I have learned while working at my Scene World project, that reporting bugs to open source projects is king.
So I remembered Funk-Flitzer aka 3-D-Ultra-Radio-Control-Racers from childhood and wanted to buy its German release over Amazon Marketplace, an edition having this and the MiniGolf game on the same CD. The seller sold me a version only having the golf game on it. so I made a deal to get half of the purchase refunded and keep the CD regardless. They agreed, and this way I found that this is a re-branded different version than what Matt Jernigan was aware of, hence his patcher failed on me.
Opening a bug with him and digging deeper during further input from his and my side, he got it sorted out!
It only took a few games and now I can even play my version on newer windows versions, awesome, thanks Matt! 😎