Word Defination: RETRO

We all know it – since the end of 2004, the media and industry is surfing on the so called “Retro Wave”. Suddenly stuff from the 80’s got cool and hip and people enjoy spending time with nostalgia.

Now, retro computer games. You see it a lot on TV all around the globe, on the internet, etc with a lot of screenshots, videos and reports.

Now, did you ever question yourself: “Gosh, how I was able to adore such games and find their graphic and sounds excellent and amazing?”

Word Defination: RETRO

How to do it retro:

1) Don’t use the real machine, use an emulator (they always have much worse graphic and sound than the original machines!).

2) In a time line of 1983-1993, take some games from 1983 as example – the latest games released for that machine are too good for a report!

3) Your 1983 game running on emulator with bad sound and graphic emulation is the benchmark for the technical ability of this retro computer system, perfect!

4) PCs and their screen signals have not the PAL & NTSC blur that makes colours looking fluently and graphics smooth – result: the graphics look all blocky on our PC screen in the emulator.

5) Of course, we don’t use a 14″ CRT monitor, we use a 19″ CRT, result: even more blocky.

6) That is not yet enough retro! To make the already blockyยฒ graphics even more blocky in the way that we zoom in pretty much! Now, we see – what was supposed to be a tiny pixel now appears to our fellow retro report watchers as a huge block! Ugly, isn’t it? You can see an example clikcing on the pixel link above, so it works!

JOB DONE! Welcome to the retro feeling! =)

So keep in mind, what you see in the media is never ever the real quality and ability of the old computer systems they want to represent to you!

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Internet Filters

We all know that certain countries filter the internet, now Google agreed on etablishing a new local search engine applying a filter.

(As some of you probably know, www.google.com is filtered, www.amnestyinternational.com is filtered, www.blogspot.com is filtered. (so no way to visit my blog)!).

Interestingly, the filtered internet does not disturb any of my contacts. Well, but it would disturb _ME_!

Here is an example of how the new local google filters search results: click here.

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Customer Service Emails – Yet Another Update!

I have done a major (i.e. huge!) update to the table of fame and shame regarding customer support emails sent to international communication companies. (And I have been only asking serious questions that I really needed/wanted an answer to!).

Have a look at the table here! Enjoy! ๐Ÿ™‚

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AntiVirยฎ PersonalEdition Classic

I switched!
Yep, after years of using AntiVirยฎ PersonalEdition Classic, they finally released version 7 and it’s working horribly on many computers, especially WinXP as one can read in their forum.

Unfortunately in many cases, your PC just freezes after installation, a couple of Windows restarts, or just every 30 minutes.
Some people managed to fix it.

After wasting hours with uninstallation, installation, registry cleaning, and system restore point creating and recovering, I gave up and now switched to use
AVG Free Edition and this seems to work pretty nice. I would use Avast! but this anti virus prg unfortunately sets itself to highest priority without the ability to change it, so the PC slows down incredibly everytime the on-access scanner scans a file! ๐Ÿ™

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Reply from the UPU about address formatting conflict

Incredible, but after over 4 months I have received a reply from the Lithuanian Postal Service and that’s why I decided to forward this reply to the UPU and here is their statement about the address formatting conflict of letters to Russia and Lithuania!:

“Hello Mr. Droege,

The general recommendation is to use the addressing rules of the destination country. In most of cases, in the country of origin the international mail is only sorted by country name and no postcode verification is performed. The actual sorting takes place in the destination country.

A one exception is addressing rules for Russian addresses. It is recommended to put the country name as the last line in order to facilitate mail item routing in country of origin and transit.

Best regards,

Eugeniusz Tomaszewski
Post*Code Database Development

Bureau International
Union Postale Universelle
Weltpoststrasse 4
Case postale 13
3000 BERNE 15

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ICQ Unified Messaging Center set repaired

Somebody repaired the ICQ Unified Messaging Center pack for putting into own homepages, since it was broken! ๐Ÿ™‚

Well, a lot of sections and toos on the ICQ homepage are from 2001 and older and would need a major overhaul.

Anyway, read all, plus the links, here! ๐Ÿ™‚

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A load of inquiry forms!

Maybe some of you know, that sometimes, letters get lost. So, it’s possible to fill an inquiry form for the lost sending. (Those forms are multilingual – in your national language and French).

I have written to the Postal Service an email and said sarcastically they shall please send me “a load of inquiry forms for sendings to abroad”. And they really took me literate! The postman handed over to me an envelope with 50 (!) forms the other day! That keeps for complaining for lost letters for a lifetime! ๐Ÿ˜€

Above is the proof photo! ๐Ÿ˜€

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