Official TV composite cable for Iphone3G is OUT!

After many ftrustrated users because old iphone cables no longer worked after a firmware update (even the well-prised and known cable from DealExtreme stopped working (they send me 2 different cables built differently fot trying).).

Now Apple seems to have sorted out the issues, at least now an Official TV composite cable for Iphone3G is OUT!

I have just ordered one for myself and will report here whether it works or whether it does not!

Update: The cable works! The first one apple sent had unfortunately a broken wire but the 2nd one works without any problems! πŸ™‚

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IPEVO: Doesn’t seem to like Vista but starts to love Apple Macs!

As Ipveo pointed out on their blog, they re-released the Ipevo TRIO speakerphone, made it white and added softeare for Mac and Ichat. (Yes, the same product which was first claimed to be Vista compatible and then…. not.!

Well good luck on that market dear Ipevo!

Here is more info on the Ipevo Mac page!

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14th mio users and 5 years skype, my perspective

This image shows 14th mio users and 5 years skype.

As Skype-Watch already pointed out, I didn’t write my view about this yet. This is because I have been on holidays.

The image is from Siim Teller and shows perfectly the changes within Skype (thanks to the pictures he used!) and the milstones Skype reached over the years.

My personal fave ones are:

*2003: The launch of Skype, the awesome sound quality (eventhough it was still half-dublex back then!) really made it outstanding and kicking! πŸ™‚ I was a user since day one they released it and still am! πŸ™‚

*2004: Free conference calling, this is something which I used back then with my ex-classmates and friends and it was a lot of fun so thank you!

– SkypeOut: Allowing me to get a rid of my PSTN line and do calls to abroad from Skype alone! (hint: quality issues to certain numbers should be sent to – including all details – to: pstn-feedback[at]

*2005: SKype voicemail: I never had more fun than when listening to strange voicemails left to my Skype account’s voicemail!

*2006: Skype wi-fi phones: The Netgear SPH101 worked fine until Skype did some server chnages and the latest firmware I tried destroyed the phone because it wouldn’t but up anymore after *successful flashing*!

The Belkin wi-fi phone has also some qulity issues ever since but it still works to the surprise of Skype-Watch!

*2007: The Skype desktop phones introduction is another highlight! I have got one myself and it’s amazing! It’s really working well!

-near DVD quality video is also amazing! look here for an example and deep links to more info!)

I hope more great things are aboout to come! πŸ™‚

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New: Please fix the iPhone!

There is something new in town: a list called Please fix the iPhone.

It is a list that mentiones what people want to see fixed in the iphone and you can also see what has been already fixed also you can state your vote by clicking on “Me Too!>”!

The tops are:

“#1 Copy and paste.
#2 Add a preference to diasable autoloading of images (webbugs) in Mail. Autoloading of images accounts to tripling the amount of spam i receive.
#3 Ability to view Flash content in Safari.”

#3 is something Adobe wants but Apple not gave them green light yet !(details).

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Ipevo TRIO and the Windows Vista thing

Ipevo is an amazing company.

The Ipevo TRIO and the Windows Vista thing got a level higher now.

First they claimed it was Windows Vista and 64bit compatible while it clearly wasn’t. (no the buttons on my device are for sure not broken).

Then Ipevo stated it’s caused by a bug in Winows Vista and […] “If Microsoft will solve these issues, we can also upgrade and correct this function in the future.”

After the release of Service Pack 1 the statment I got is that Windows Vista is not supported for the Ipevo TRIO.

However on the product info page it still says it’s compatible with Vista:


Well, the new driver features now a setup routine which features an auto detection mechanism also used by Logiteh and Epson. This totally locks out installation under Vista as the device is ignored there. (Vista itself detects it as normal USB sound device just the buttons and recording functions doesn’t work – except volume + – and the mute button)

It’s sad to see that a prodcut like the TRIO doesn’t support Vista eventhough the TRIO shouldn’t be too much older than the final of Windows Vista.

Also the “secret hidden” firmware download side of the SOLO got removed now but it’s still linked from the news “ticker” on the main page, which leads then to a:

“Not Found

The requested URL /products/solo/solo_download.htm was not found on this server.
Apache/2.2.3 (Red Hat) Server at Port 80″

A bummer really, and a sad thing for the Skype user community.

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Blind man can see – thanks to Skype!

A blind man uses Skype video to let somebody guide him while he sails, rides a bike, ect!

it’s really ipressive and the below video even contains several demonstrations including a life one!

Source of this info: Skype Watch blog.

The original post can be found on Skype’s US blog (Part 1 / Part 2).

Quoting from Skype’s blog:

He notes that Gallagher’s system is a “seemingly simple, yet brilliantly clever remote guidance system. Ed mounts a web-camera to a strap around his forehead, and the camera wirelessly transmits the live video over the Internet using free software called Skype. Ed’s friends take turns acting as his guide. Both wear microphones and earpieces, and talk back and forth as the guide tells Ed what he’s ‘seeing.’ He’s testing the barriers, and regularly uses it to sail, but also tries shopping, cross country skiing and even biking in Golden Gate Park.”

Very cool!

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Zlango TV gaming show!

earlier I mentioned Zlango the icon sign language which is supposed to be easy and covinient for everybody. Obviously not so much. At least it’s hard enough for a TV show in Israel in which one has to obviously guess what the signs of Zlango are supposed to say.

Check it out and have fun:


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Opera 9.6 is out!

I received the following Opera release event on MySpace:

Today Opera launched Opera 9.6 which enhances the performance and flexibility of features many of you already have come to know and love!

Today Opera launched Opera 9.6 which enhances the performance and flexibility of features many of you already have come to know and love, such as Speed Dial, session restore and mouse gestures (among other things).

What’s new in Opera 9.6?

*Increased speed: Opera 9.6 improves the quick responsiveness and page loading of Opera 9.5.

*Expanded Opera Link: Opera lets you take your favorite search engines and the browser history you enter wherever you go.

*Optimized Opera Mail which now includes “low-bandwidth mode” to retrieve mails even faster when bandwidth is limited.

*Prioritized e-mail: Opera Mail has two new ways to manage e-mail conversations. Keep an eye on important threads and contacts by following them, or ignore less important threads and contacts with a single click.

*Previewed feeds: Look before you feed. Now you can see an RSS feed’s content before subscribing to it or even bookmarking it.

*Improved fluency: Opera is to pleased to add support for Indonesian, Ukrainian, Estonian, Hindi, Telugu, and Tamil languages.

Help us spread the word!

To support we’ve made a brand new video. We believe life is all about choices, so why not choose the best Internet experience for you? Help us spread the word by referring a friend, embedding the video on you Web site or blog and telling your friends to check it out.”

So Download it now!

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My babble about the breach of Skype by TOM

It has been around lot recently, the privacy breach which was done by a Skype version manipulated by TOM.

In contrast to what Skype says, it wasn’t a big surprise for me. If you know the law and rules in China you know this had to happen. And I seriously hope Skype will sue them but this won’t happen. Despite all what happened, China is a huge and important market for them and probably to find some other Chinese partner won’t be so easy maybe.

It’s goood that they admitted it (Skype) but it’s very bad for Skype that it happened!

Skype-Watch sums up and describes the situation.

A bit lateron they even had a closer look on Β΄how the TOM version differs from the original Skype one.

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