Jaanus Kaase compares Google Wave with Skype Chat

Jaanus Kaase, ex-member of the Skype Team speaks in his blog about how Google Wave works, is designed and how Skype desidgned multi-user chats and what problems they came across.

Jaanus Kaase is reasoning this way:

“I was intrigued because it was a déjà vu from five years ago to me. It was the time when I was challenged with leading the effort to design Skype chat to support multiple people. I now thought a five year anniversary is fitting to document this part of Internet history. And furthermore, enough time has gone by to make sure that this doesn’t contain any proprietary info or doesn’t hurt anybody. A lot has changed with Skype chat and conversations, and I mostly wasn’t a part of the later changes. I can’t really explain the more recent work. I can only discuss how it came to be.”

Be sure to read on!

In a later post, Jaanus also explains why Google Wave is still broken and how you can get teh following error screen and your data is lost:

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I am giving away free google wave invites!

Remember my free gmail invites campaign?, now I am back, this time with free Google Wave invites!

Why buying them from eBay when you can get one from me for free?

To get your free Google Wave invite (as long as I still have some remaining), email me at nafcom[at}c64.org

Please mention in your email your name and the email you want your invitation be sent to.

Google Invites take at the moment about 2 days to arrive.

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News about “Skype on Mobile”

There are News about “Skype on Mobile”:

For once the funny new advertisement video:

There is even one more I just discovered:


Read more about it at http://skype.com/magic (Source and more info at Share Skype Blog)

And fitting to that Skype announced the Nokia N900 which has Skype integrated rather than downloading:

According to a comment in Skype’s Facebook group it implies that Video calling was promised but not included.

A reply by Skype to this question in the facebook group is still missing to date. Unfortunately it does not show an example about the audio quality but I guess they use their SILK codec there too as they recently did the same with the iPhone version of the Skype software.

According to the comments of a Skype poster, they even have a Blackberry now in beta test.

What did Skype support do prior to Skype for iPhone? They suggested using fring.

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When Nokia lets you down after being honest

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Yes, I have learned my lesson. Never be a honest customer if it could turn out negative to you eventhough you didn’t do anything wrong.

I was seeking a micro SD card with Mini SD adapter for my handheld device and so I have ordered it online (never had an issue with that, done that for years).

Unfortunately the mail trader sent me the wrong adapter so it was useless for me. I was calling them and they told me “just put it in an envelope and send it back” to which I replied: “I better use an alternative that tracks letters so it won’t get lost”. Said & done, so I put it in an envelope and sent it off.

Returning home 10 mins later I received an email “as told on phone please send it as a parcel and write the following RMA number on it.”

I was thinking “are you kidding me????” and emailed them back I was told on phone otherwise.

That’s how the nightmare started… 10 days later still no refund so I sent an email to them and they told me it hadn’t arrived. No problem, asking the private mail company telling them the stamp number they checked it out and told me when it was delivered and to where, I sent that to the mail trader (along with a copy of the report of delivered items by the postman I was sent). Their reply was it is wrong.

So since the card was from Nokia I sent them an email explaining the case and that I can proof everything and I am ready to forward that all to them.

Their reply was they will send me a replacment. They asked me what I use it for, I replied for a game handheld and that was the wrong answer. They replied me back they have changed their mind since I don’t have a Nokia phone.

Being sad about this, I decided to call their hotline, they told me they will call me back I said “no problem, I am on holidays”.

They of course didn’t call me back until my holidays were over and I had to go to work again. They left me a message on my voicemail that they cannot send me a replacement.

A few days later I received an email from Nokia with a customer satisfaction poll.

I replied back I won’t answer it to raise a protest.

Sad, very sad.

What do we learn from this? Never be too honest.

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Added my Twitter updates to my blog

Today, I have decided to add my Twitter updates to my blog.

I found a hint of possible ways to include Twitter to your blog but none of them were what I wanted. Today while researching the Facebook blocked in Vietnam issue I noticed that MikeInTaiwan did it in the way I wanted. I just changed some CSS and HTML code here and there and ta-da! It’s done! It has been tested to work in:

Latest IE8
Latest Opera
Latest Firefox
Latest Chrome
Latest Safari

If you are interested to make something similar to your blog, the core code can be here

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Facebook blocked in Vietnam since today

Update2: Since I received feedback from some people on this including Dan, it seems to be unclear whether it is indeed a hoax and some ISP server troubles or not a hoax and a real block.
Update (old)
The issue which started back in August is a hoax! check it out! Interesting that even CNN fell for it and it’s even not April yet!

The Vietnamnese government blocked the access of Facebook now. (According to MikeInVietnam – here.

This is truly a sad day since I knew people in Vietnam, now the chance to find them on Facebook will be zero 🙁
I was able to get back in touch with people that appeared to be appearing nowhere.

My friend Dan Offer (known for offering the pretty cool Facebook chat client named Chit Chat for Facebook) decided to open a dedicated Facebook Group – Unblock Facebook in Vietnam to get Vietnam to think twice!

According to CNN’s iReport blog, those are the reasons:

“For security reasons and to fight against propagative activities that oppose the Party and the government, Department of Professional Technology – Office of Security Administration – Ministry of Public Security suggests that the addressed companies to apply technical methods to block thoroughly these following websites.”

This act of political censorship clearly manifest the government’s recognition of the threat posed by Facebook, specifically its power to communicate and publicize. Although Vietnamese internet users have already found back doors to access Facebook by changing DNS information from browser or using another proxy, nevertheless, the Vietnamese government still achieves its ultimate goal: to arrest the spread of “malicious” information.”

This is a very big social threat for us Facebook users, for all Vietnamese and globalism!

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DPAG I wish you do better – letter tracking system down again

The German Postal Service’s letter tracking system is down again.

Didn’t we have that with DHL already and also shortly before Christmas?

Yes, indeed we did:

Christmas 2006.

The track & trace systems are supposed to work more than just sometimes? Especially for people from abroad or people who work in shifts like me and sometimes cannot call when their call center is open!

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YouTube is down

I also got this:

“Internal Server Error

The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.

Please contact the server administrator, web[at]youtube.com and inform them of the time the error occurred, and anything you might have done that may have caused the error.

More information about this error may be available in the server error log.
Apache Server at www.youtube.com Port 80″

This is amazing! It’s also amazing they put it down at the peak time of usage, so it must be something unplanned and badly.

This is almost like a crash of Google, wow, the Internet is shaked now!

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