GMail out of beta, hahah

Well, as you can read on //beconfused – gmail//live it appears to get a start for GMail’s 1 gb thingy soon.

Oh well, I hope there won’t happen too much errors like I experienced during the beta, after the beta! If I was Chinese, I would have got Yahoo’s 1 GB offer, but I am not Chinese, so I had to use GMail.

I don’t use it because of its space though, I use M2 with POP3/SMTP for my emails but thanks to Gmail Drive and to use nearly umlimited huge attachments, I learned to like it.

If you want to get an invitation before it happens though, you should click here

I thank the beconfused blog for keeping their readers informed =) (including me!).

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From Zero To Hero!

Yo guys and girlies.
Now that my PC works perfectly (read all about the disaster here, I have had the problem: “How to find out wether all patchesm, updates, hotfixes are installed?
For this my old beloved freeware tool BigFix is my personal HERO! It tells you what patch/fix/update/crap for your Windows is yet missing and offers you a single click for downloading and install. It also tells you if there are new crap thingies out which fixes holes in your Windows!

I can’t live without that after an reinstallation O:-)

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Yahoo Buys Flickr, and got a blog!

Well, suprising news, for Flickr & Blogger.

As you can read in this blog entry, Yahoo is going to buy Flicks and Flickr promises this will make all better! Well, let’s hope so!

For Blogger, we can read on Blogger’s Dashboard that they got an own blog! I mean that is like Flickr having an own photoblog (which they don’t yet, but you never know!).

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My Birthday – The Summary

I wanted to give you a short summary f my Birthday.

I have been receiving 23 emails!

Also I received quite some very neat ecards, I would like to share with you, especially the singing frogs are sheer fun! and you can click and then you see them on backstage, great! huahauhauhauahuah! πŸ˜€

I also received 2 paper Birthday cards, i want to thank you all for this, also for Mr. Dew and Melissa for saying Happy Birthday in my blog’s comments. oh and of course the much ICQ ecards, ICQ messages, email Happy Birthdays, was all so GREAT!

So, here are they are! Enjoy!!!

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