So, as I got a Honeycomb Yoke, I had the problem that in contrast to HOTAS devices, yokes like the Honeycomb do not some with a Trust Lever.
The solution was for me the Thrustmaster Quadrant Airbus Edition and running is without the flight stick that is also available as a combo with that device.
Now, while installing the TFHT driver package made it working in Windows 10 and discoverable in Flight Simulator, nothing was assigned to it. As I tried assigning everything manually, I failed in doing so, so I asked Thrustmaster tech support for help and they send me a detailed PDF called “abnormal procedure” that I want to share with you:
Of course I had to avoid mapping of such buttons and switches that the honeycomb share with the Airbus Quadrant!
Hope this helps! 🙂
Happy flying! 🙂