How to force TV detection!

How To Force A TV Out On A Laptop / PcClick here for more amazing videos

I have just found this video which demonstrates you how you can force graphics cards to detect even old TVs that otherwise wouldn’t work on the TV out connector.

The author of the video added the following comment:

by YaVinchi, 1203178384

Old sysytem was–>push TV out and it did

New systems CHECK if there is really a TV connected. HOW? by sending a signal from pin 1 and waiting to receive it back from pin 3. (Some pc’s do it with 4 and 7)

So the old tv’s don’t know this system, don’t know they have to send a signal back AND YOUR TV STAYS UNDETECTED.
With this method you send the signal from 1 back to 3.”

My personal opinion about this hack goes along with this one:

“by iamdirtboy, 1202962462

Basically, don’t try out any hardware and software hacks that may destroy your valuables until they have been verified by the experts.”

Better anybody gets Nvidia/ATI to workaround it rather than playing with blank wires!

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Skype’s new forum design: Skype worker Ike Roelfsema speaks about it!

Ike Roelfsema – the long-time Skype blogger, Internet secreterian and Skype worker just posted about the new Skype forum design.

Being a first day Skype user I remember how it will started with purple, then changing to cyan and how the Skype Team always had troubles to keep the Forum up and running.

Even relaunches didn’t make it long. And according to Ike’s post there is just more trouble around the corner.

Ike writes:

“One thing amazed me. The forum users in their 50โ€™s have most difficulties with the new way it is designed (I know, I am also a 50+!!) and the saying โ€œyou can not learn an old dog new tricksโ€ came to mind. But all these โ€œold dogsโ€ are wonderful people with a huge Forum experience and therefore very valuable in their feedback.
We listen, read, test and improve according the feedback where technically possible.
Of course it is not only a โ€œdesignโ€ thing produced by the mind of a few Forum enthusiasts.
An enormous amount of web design skills from Skypeโ€™s web team are needed to come to a result.
If you visit the new Community, you will see that we simplified the amount of sub forums.
One complain about the old Forum was the many, many sub forums which made it difficult for people to choose the right forum. This caused a lot of extra work to the (volunteer) Moderators who kept moving posts.

Strangely enough we received the very same complain where we now have far less sub forums: โ€œUsers do not know where to post, it is not clear anymoreโ€ But statistics show that we move only a fraction of what we did before.
We do see fewer posts then before, less new topics, but the amount of topic views increased tremendously, sometimes even doubled. We love to believe that people found their answer before posting.”

I strongly recommend and advise you to continue reading at the source as she also writes about the future plans regarding the Skype forums.

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Windows XP Service Pack 3 endless boot fix available!

If you have installed Windows XP Service Pack 3 recently on your AMD PC and you got an endless rebooting look then a Microsoft worker has the fix for you however it has to be istalled prior to installing SP3, so you will have to unistall it again beforehand, install the patch and run the SP3 installation again.

Microsoft officially has confirmed the bug but not supplied a fix yet.

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57 Habits of Highly Effective Gmail Users

Fiona King of the blog CollegeDegrees just sent me an email letting me know about her recent post 57 Habits of Highly Effective Gmail Users.

The article is indeed pretty interesting and describes even nice stuff like backing up your Gmail emails or using Gmail for instant messaging.

Fiona links to the relevant posts even for further and more detailed reading inside her post.

Well done, Fiona and thanks for your email! ๐Ÿ™‚

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I have pushed my adrenalin – part 2

Almost 2 years ago I wrote about the questionable experience with the game Adrenalin.

Now I have found out how to get force feedback to work (but the force feedback effect sucks, believe me!)

You want to know how to get it working? Take a look at the settings fix for Sega Rally Thrustmaster offers. I think Logitech should supply a fix if they didn’t already as I got no way to get it working when I still had the Logitech Formula Force EX.

But now anti-aliasing stopped working which means I probably means I have to reinstall the whole game (as I do not remember doing that) but I won’t do any time now as it has the StarForce protection which is not really working for any of my drives… And StarForce only meant I have to purchase another drive, a new computr or I am using a piraced copy (which made me furious since I have bought a genuine!

Thanks NOT to Gaijinent Entertainment, Frogster Interactive Pictures & 1C for either not replying to me or blaming Windows XP X64 for all the issues I have been having. This game is not worth a penny!

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Skype Newsletter: 3 Unlimited calls plans

From the world of Skype Newsletters: Today, they sent me one promoting to me unlimited calls to national, Europe or International.

However there are a few interesting things about this offer, I have underlined them in the screenshot. However here a roundup:

-They say “Unlimited calls to landlines” – not true! If you read the fineprint you can see this : “* The legal bit โ€“ as part of our fair usage policy youโ€™ll get up to 10,000 calling minutes per month.”

-“calls to landlines” – not only! Some countries also support mobile calls for the “unlimited” plan:

Canada (incl. cell phones), Singapore (incl. cell phones), USA (incl. cell phones),
China (incl. cell phones), Hong Kong (incl. cell phones)

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Why updating?

There are many users that never update their sysstem with new program versions or Windows udpates, patches and service packs.

Here is a video of a recently discovered QuickTime vulnerability in Windows Vista and XP

A manipulated .mov video file can run programs on your machine when playing. (In this example several instances of Notepad, Paint and the Calculator.

As you can see, no biggie. Imagine you visit a homepage that takes advantage of this problem and so as soon as the site loaded, it will automatically play the video which will start the process of harming your computer.

More about this can be read here.

Enjoy also the nice music in the video ๐Ÿ™‚

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Account spam in the Skype and ICQ network

Today, I want to speak about something that appears to be a taboo topic for Skype and IM blogs all over the internet: Account spam. Account spam is a serious threat that neither Skype nor ICQ really manage to control.

So, how can you see you are a victim of account spam on the two networks mentioned above?

While ICQ spam accounts have sexy photos of girls, sexual orientated nicknames and URLs to cam sites or juicy fields of interests and appear in almost any search you run when searching for females with photos or special interests, Skype spam accounts are different.

Let’s say there is a Becky. Becky exsists 25 times in Skype, the same Becky magically lives many countries at once. Several countries are Becky’s home and she has the same about me and homepage URL.

Even if the account itself appears to be owned by humans, they are often not. You can notice this by writing to them and a robot replies to you, mostly pretty quickly

While ICQ allows you to report spammers to the ICQ Team, Skype has no such possibility. And this ICQ reporting is restricted to when a spammer got in touch with you

The ICQ Team also switched off the “online users” function in the people search for various countries and search crierias. A very questionable way of fighting spam, does it even cut the user experience.

Skype’s SkypeMe experience however has been cut to zero thanks to more and more spammer accounts. And if you dare to switch to SkypeMe mode on some day times, you get calls from bots inviting you to visit their cybersite or you find burps and moans on your voicemail.

There is no end in sight and Skype/Ebay seems to feel honoured by it as it raises the “statistics amount of users” like the Skype Numerology blog pointed out already a couple of times.

So far… all left to say is: Happy spamming!

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