New ICQ 5.1 feature: My Page Message web notification

There is a new ICQ 5.1 feature: My Page Message web notification.

Means once I receive a My Page message, I receive a notification on my ICQ 5.1. Of course those notifications can be disabled on purpose (but not switched on again as it looks like).

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ATI’s/AMD’s Vista Readiness Advisor

I just found out that AMD (ATI) as its own Windows Vista smoothness checker.

In contrast to Microsofts own one, ATI’s one tells me that I have the perfect PC for best performance results (I doubt it). Windows Vista 64bit requires 1024 MB RAM minimum already.

Well, we will see…

At least the screenshot is nice and interesting πŸ™‚

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Opera is the most secure browser

According to Opera Watch, it appears that Opera is the most secure browser. (Especially when it comes to security issue fixes).

Here is what they wrote:

“Ben Buchanan, on his blog, wrote about this a couple days ago. He compared the patch rate on security bugs in the four major browsers (IE, Opera, Firefox, and Safari).

Browser patches between Feb 2003 and Jan 2007:
IE6 – 67% patched (out of 110 reported bugs).
IE7 – 25% patched (out of 4 reported bugs).
Firefox 1 – 87% patched (out of 39 reported bugs).
Firefox 2 – 50% patched (out of 4 reported bugs).
Opera 8 – 100% patched (out of 15 reported bugs).
Opera 9 – 100% patched (out of 3 reported bugs).
Safari 1 – 93% patched (out of 15 reported bugs).
Safari 2 – 33% patched (out of 6 reported bugs).

Here are some snippets from the blog’s conclusion:

β€œWell, one clear thing is that Opera is the only vendor with a 100% patch record according to Secunia. Opera is also the only vendor that maintained its patch rate between versions – in fact you have to go back to Opera 6 to find an unpatched advisory (and there’s only one).”

β€œSo at this time Opera wins the patch stakes. The argument can be made that Opera attracts fewer attacks due to small marketshare. That could be true – there’s no way to truly know, since malicious hackers aren’t polled – but when I’m doing my banking I don’t care if it’s true. I just care that my browser is secure; and Opera currently has the best record for fixing security issues.”

Good point! I am using Opera browser myself, and so does my mother and we are all glad with it

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Nafcom’s ICQ 6 Preview review on BigBlueBall

BigBlueBall, the instant messanger portal sent me an email recently asking me – as I am very ICQ fancy – if I would write a review about ICQ 6 Preview for their site!

It took a while but now it can be read on their front page here.

If you are searching for my ICQ 6 Preview announcement blog post, this can be found here! πŸ™‚

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Blogger Support – From very good to very crappy

Customer support, 1 very nice topics I love to blog about steadly (as seen here).

Blogger support has been pretty good in past. Well, as this already suggests; past.

Eventhough Blogger in Beta is no longer in beta, they anyway seems to have decided to ignore any bug reports and help requests. Instead they just ignore.
I have sent tons of emails, my last email was even sent to the private addresses of Blogger Team members, this one got ignored, too. So literally all my emails since August 2006 stood unreplied.

And I am not speaking about small bugs but about such who cause my template to sometimes auto destroy itself, or damaged RSS feelds that cause 404 erros in many places in which my blog/blog’s feed is listed/syndicated.

Blogger Team, if you read this: I am very much disappointed and pretty much pissed!
You are worse than Technorati now, and that isn’t that easy! So if this was what you wanted to achive, congratulations!!!

Update: The Pisstakers have written a blog post regarding Blogger support based on mine.
Thanks for the support, guys! πŸ™‚

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Now available again!: The TIFCU Book!

The highly loved book The Internet for Commodore C64/128 Users, sold out since a long while is now available again as ebook for purchase and can be here in its 3rd edition either has 1:1 photo copy or as structurated portable document. Both versions are in the format .PDF.

Gaelyne‘s book describes how to do internet on a C64.

(However, nowadays there are other ways. Me for example uses Contiki. Connected with a WPN824v2 to cable internet.

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USBCell – video presentation

Many peope asked me what the USBCells are about. Some didn’t quite understand the concept.

Just by poor accident, I found out that there exists a USBCell video presentation which brings it close to the point. The video takes a while to start. So be patience with the black screen at the beginning!

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Skype’s feedback to SkypePro

Now that the new calling plan/Skype Pro announcement is all done and users have (more or less) heavy reactions to this, Jaanus Kase, from the Skype Staff decided to post his point of view on the English Share Skype Blog.

He speaks about the future plans and how trying to reach them.

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New ICQ 6 Preview Build #5192

The ICQ Team has released a new Preview Build – ICQ 6 Preview Build #5192 – today

Some of the news are two tabs at the end of the contact list, one looks like a mail function (out of order currently) and the other is a dial pad. Also on receiving messages, the taskbar notification comes with a wobbler effect! =) Wicked!

ICQ 6 requires an invitation and then you can download and login!

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Skype Video in DVD quality

While browsing around as usually, I just found something new and interesting: Skype Video in DVD quality, I haven’t tried this yet but it should work pretty smooth since I have the Logitech Quickcam Orbit MP and somewhat 512 kbit/s upload. πŸ™‚ Will try it out soonish. It’s a bit tricky to enable yet but I will figure it out! =)

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