Moving to full HD

I have decided to finally move to full HD. My old TV had huge red and green areas on the screen from time to time. I thought long about which TV to get, especially due to narrow budget but I wanted FULL HD. I found the Toshiba 32″ Regza XV Series
. The one I got was supposed to have a scratch on the front but I found NONE! Thanks Amazon! ๐Ÿ™‚

The thing which I love a lot is that you can enable some kind of “PAL blurry” so when I connect my DTVs or my Pac Man Gold direct-to-TV joystick it works and looks like on a CRT screen then.

Also there is no blurryiness when watching bluray movies with fast movements. I checked and the picture is crystal clear! It also can be fully powered off which was very important for me!

Very impressive is that you see so much details in bluray movies, even the skin cells of the actors if you pay more attention.

Since I also have a wide screen TFT connected to my graphics card, I missed a 3rd DVI-D plug to connect the TV over HDMI to it.

So I bought this 2 Port DVI Switch Box but I got it lot cheaper from Amazon Marketplace.

Works perfect!

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ICQ 6.5 final is out ! Now with Open Xtraz!

Long promised by the ICQ Team but put on ice they finally did it: They released ICQ 6.5 with Open Xtraz means you can provide and share your own Xtraz!

Check out the Open Xtraz Gallery! I can highly recommend the SeeToo Xtra, it works wonderfully and allows two people to share and watch together the same movie!

New here is that the Dev Zone moved to the AOL homepage if you follow the deep-links

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I have been rewarded.

I have been rewarded as outstanding BlogDumps member!

Paul – the webmaster – decided to reward outstanding BlogDumps community members.

here is what he wrote:

“I am going to give this award to the most loyal and supportive bloggers – some that have been with BlogDumps since the beginning. I know this isnโ€™t much but it is my way of saying Thanks!

And the awards go to (simply copy and paste the above code in your sidebar if you are a winner):

*Outside my Brain – thanks for helping get the discussion forum going

*Nafcomโ€™s Crap Blog -thanks for helping us in the very beginning with coding and understanding that what works on Internet Explorer does not work on Firefox or Opera.

*Musings of a Chick -thank you for supporting BlogDumps from the begining and displaying the Saturday Night Blogroll

*Terri Terri Quite Contrary – we have enjoyed watching you grow as a blogger in the last two years and are grateful that you were one of the first bloggers on BlogDumps Blog Directory

*Your Caring Angels- To my wonderful sister blogging just wouldnโ€™t be the same if I didnโ€™t have your blog to hijack and I appreciate all the help you give me testing new things here

*Coffee Break?- Thank you for being one of the first BlogDumps Bloggers and thank you for supporting us. You are a treasure to us!

*I Eat Snowman Poop – LMAO I went to check in on you and saw the video of your son licking the glass! CLASSIC!”

Thanks Paul and also congrats to the other rewarded members! Keep it all up!

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Ipevo TRIO and Vista .. the story goes on.

This blog post is a successor to my posts Ipevo Trio And The Vista Thing and Ipevo doesn’t seem to like Vista but Apple Macs.

Ipevo now did re-launch their homepage and what do I see? The Vista compatibility is suddenly back?!?!?

Let’s have a look:

Wait, isn’t that the same driver they claimed to not be Vista compatible before?

Let’s check it out:

A sidenote: I have sent emails to the guy doing the official Ipevo Group on LinkedIn. So far no reply to my blog yet or any firmware/software issues I have told.

The level of strangeness when it comes to OS support is amazing.

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Skype’s support isn’t so bad / Vivatel however ignores any questions

Recently, I had to come to the conclusion that Skype’s support isn’t that bad after all, at least they reply to their emails.

I received a perfect reply

Hello Joerg,

Thank you for contacting Skype Support.

Our call rates are the same no matter where you are calling from, they only vary depending on where you are calling to, for more information please see our call rates list:

If you are calling a mobile phone that is abroad then the receiver will have to pay roaming charges according to their roaming agreement. Also, in some countries people are charged for incoming call as well as outgoing by their phone provider.

Best regards,

Mihkel P.
Skype Support”

Now I needed the info from Vivatel regarding this issue.

Sending emails and even a fax caused… NO reaction and the international numbers mentioned seem to be premium numbers that do not work from Skype. In the downs of their homepage I found one that works: +359 (0) 87123 and then the case was like: they hung up on me on the *English* hotline.

You know this kind of… *something in Bulgarian* ” Vivatel” *something in Bulgarian again*. Then “For English, press ‘1’” – “Your call may be monitored to assure service quality” – *somebody says something in Bulgaria* and I say: “Hello there, I hope you speak English, too” *click*

Skype: “call ended”,

Thank you!

maybe he dropped his headset or fell on the X key on his phone’s dialpad.

The 2nd try I was put on hold and they found somebody who knew English.

Their homepage is full of errors, too…

For example a nice service they offer for business customers are:

weak up calls. Maybe it’s for managers that are too powerful.

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