This installation manual is based off the YouTube video by 77Vids about installation on Windows 10 ( , however there are some differences, which I will mention here.
- Download the Widescreen fix by selecting \/ -> Developer Build (untested). The final release (aka “Direct Link”) did not work for me. The Developer Build was from early 2024, which would be executed under Win11 just fine, while the final release would simply not activate, so no changes were made to the game.
- The options of the .ini file slightly differ from the suggestions in the video, but nothing too major that one would be confused. Activating all re-sizing options (1) as by default was however worth It, the FMVs were not in a wrong aspect ratio as claimed in the video, at least not on an Nvidia GTX 1070 in FHD.
- A No CD Patch was not required if you use the Black Edition release of the game (US Markets only)
- The normal release of the game can be upgraded to the Black Edition by adding these files to the game directory:
Enjoy playing this 19 years of jewel in gaming history in Full HD, (any higher res will crash) 😊