Installing the GTX 750 and the Quadro NVS 290 to run both at the same time in Windows 10!

So, are you among those guys and gals who updated from Windows 7 or 8 to Windows 10?

For Windows 7 or 8.1 you could use this driver version so installs drivers for the Nvdia GTX 750 and Nvidia Quadro NVS 290:


Why is having 2 graphics from nVidia running on Windows 8.1 X64 being an issue? Because for some reason Windows assigns the same driver to both graphics cards , when I had an ATI card as primary card, both had their separated drivers and no issues!

If you need any more help or have any questions feel free to email me and I will answer you! 🙂

For Windows 10 we need a new driver of course. Here, I found that the driver package 341.74 works! Despite not listing Quadro cards as supported, it does contain drivers for them as well. However you cannot go any driver version higher than that.

Upgrading your PCs from Windows 7 or Windows 8.1 to Windows 10

The whole world upgrades to Windows 10 since the recent weeks. So what are the problems I had stumped into and how I have solved them? Not a lot issues I have to admit, any all of them found a solution 🙂

I have had 1 Intel tablet, 2 Laptops and 1 Desktop PC to upgrade.

I have started with the We Tab WiFi + 3G that was upgraded to 2 GB of RAM and a 120 GB mSATA SSD by KingFast.It had Windows 8.1 32bit installed.

Things were straight forward here, it upgraded and installed all drivers except graphics card, I simply went to the Device Manager and clicked “update driver” –> Search for better driver and it downloaded one and installed it. Really easy! In Windows 10, the device manager and Windows Update are your friends, really one of the few times, where a good and well working drivers was downloaded once triggered by the user. Well done!

Next, I have updated Windows 8.1 64 bit on my Sony Vaio VGN-FW46M next. There was no driver related issue, whatsoever! Smooth and simply worked 🙂 Just keep in mind, that a shutdown means it does a hibernate and unfortunately the wireless network gets stuck and doesn’t come up until I restart it.And since I have a SSD and since after about 10 startups it learns how to do it the fastest way (Windows 10, not the SSD:) ) it’s just a matter of seconds anyway. So I am simply disabling it

Next laptop is my HP Compaq 6910p laptop, I run 32bit Windows 8.1 on it, my mum Windows 7 64bit on the same laptop. I have done heavy modifications to both laptops, so installation is different compared to the stock model without modifications. Also, the drivers for the touchpad are reacting different, 64bit versions work fine, tbe 32bit version however generates ghost clicks every couple of seconds, which renders Windows unusable. I found no 64bit driver that works, so solution was here to disable hibernatet as well!

Last one was my desktop PC. It runs on a ASUS M5A78L/USB3 and there have been no driver conflicts with it since the beginning, unlike I had with Windows 8/8.1!

Meanwhile Windows update, updated the driver to version 10.0.10240.16461 of August, 17th, 2015!.

The only problem was, Creative Labs didn’t release the Windows 10 drivers for my Sound Blaster X-Fi XtremeGamer until the middle of August, I was without a working driver, until I found the SB X-Fi Series Support Pack 3.5 but the options “headphone settings are activated automatically” and “auto-mute speakers” had to be enabled in the sound settings of the headphones tab. Luckily, in the meantime, the official drivers are released which is cook because I needed to set those settings each time I restarted or booted up my PC! It’s actually surprising that new drivers are released for this wonderful PCI card, as back in 2010 they told me the product is EOF and there are no fixed or new driver releases planned.

I am so glad that they have changed their mind, thank you, Creative Labs 🙂

All in all, this was way more trouble free than I expected, thank you Microsoft 🙂

Chris Huelsbeck in the Film Museum of Frankfurt Germany, “an evening with” … project by Scene World and Olymptronica

If you are into tech and geekeness like myself I would strongly suggest keeping an eye on my Scene World Project (Wikipedia link) it is a C64 dismag and a medial journalistic hobby project that I am running with some friends of the C64 scene since 2001.

Last Wednesday, we have had in our first show famous videogame composer Chris Huelsbeck (wikipedia link)

Thanks to olymptronica who invited us to the Film & Games – an Interplay event 🙂 Olympronica and Scene World Magazine hosts every last Wednesday between June 2015 and January 2016 a Live Twitch show as a part of the exhibition,
You can either watch it live for free at the Film Museum in Frankfurt or watch the live stream for free on Twitch at or the Twitch app for your mobile device. Please subscribe our twitch channel as well!

This month’s guest was famous Chris Huelsbeck!
Watch the the stream recording :

Fixing Nvidia driver issues with GTA V on PC (Windows 8.1. X64 and NVIDIA GTX 750 and NVIDIA Quadro NSV 290)

So, are you among those guys and gals who bought GTA 5 for your PC recently and it’s keeping crashing on the latest officially optimized nvidia drivers for GTA V.

Just a standard “a problem has occured and the program has to close”. Why people, why?

The driver before driver v. 350.12 work fine on the  GTX 750 but not on the Quadro NVS 290.
Why I need the Quadro NVS 290? Because of video editing I do for the Scene World project I need that much monitors connected to my PC for easier managing all the stuff going on at my computer.

The drivers from last year however are mostly too old to support the GTX 750 already it seems. (So other way round problem from the above).

Long story short, I have found that the following driver version works:


Why is having 2 graphics from nVidia running on Windows 8.1 X64 being an issue? Because for some reason Windows assigns the same driver to both graphics cards , when I had an ATI card as primary card, both had their separated drivers and no issues!

If you need any more help or have any questions feel free to email me and I will answer you! 🙂

AVM releases latest 7390 firmware with fixed support for 10 Mbit/s NICs because my C64 couldn’t communicate.

Recently, AVM released the final of the newest firmware (FRITZ!OS 06.23) of the Fritzbox 7390 with some fixes I have requested a year ago.

I am transferring C64 D64 disk images via WarpCopy64 between my C64 and my PC.I have noticed that in contrast to Netgear routers, AVM routers do not support Crosslink cable detection and 10 MBit/s NICs.such as the RRNet – therefore, I could not get an IP address assigned to my C64 (even if I exchanged my LAN cable with a standard one).

A quick email email sent to AVM and a fast response later, AVM confirmed that none of those 2 “features” are included in the (back then) current firmware, but they put it on the “suggestion list”.

And 1 year later, both has been included in the new firmware! Thanks AVM! 🙂

If you want to know more about connecting the C64 to the Internet, the RRNet and the network OS “Contiki” that provides a micro IP stack for 8 bit machines, watch my Skype interview with the inventor of that all – including “Internet of Things” – Adam Dunkels for Scene World Magazine!

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