directx feb2007 redist = boosting my system

As hardcore games are advanced IT people probably know and agree on, always try to be on the top notch when it comesd to:

-Chipset drivers
-BIOS updare
-Graphic bundles
-Directx Redist.

Me for myself, I am not a hunter of every single frame per second.
I am just happy if things run pretty fast, in a decent speed.

However, after I have installed the directx_feb2007_redist I was baffled about how much fasters certain games like GTR2, NFS Most Wanted, Nascar 2002 run.

If one game would be stuck or unsmoothy on one Widnows installation I would try another. I had to reinstall it several times (because of other reasons). But somehow it seems there was a performance hole, or whatsoever which has nbeen fixed by Miccrosoft just by updating the DirectX 9c installation with that package.

It’s awesome!

Suddenly the games rush (and become harder to play, heehe).

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