I have been trying Windows Vista since Beta 1 (on an old computer just for testing) and use it on my main computer as my main OS since it came out for end users in February 2007.
Today, I stumbled over the entry in Wikipedia, stating that Windows Vista is currently not supported and that’s why people who are depening on Skype might not switch to Vista because of that.
Well, indeed Raul Liive is right in his blog entry stating that there could be voice and video problems related to bad Vista drivers.
However, as Vista X64 is my main OS, I have to say, based on my experience, it’s not that bad at all. Logitech luckily released QuickCam and drivers lately that make Skype Video useable again for me.
And Realtek releases new AC97 and High Defination drivers steadly and Creative and co mostly do the same!
So, don’t be afraid trying, you maybe might be surprised how well it works!
Technorati Tags: Skype, Vista, Windows, X64, 64bit, Logitech Quickcam Orbit MP
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