The ICQ Support, i.e. ICQ Supporter replied again to my reply on a ticket:
Thank you for your interest with respect to the ICQ Services.
Please be assured that ICQ is constantly working to provide our users with new and improved services.We will announce new features and products as they are released. We appreciate your patience. Please check the ICQ Web site from time to time regarding any new announcements and services.
Regarding the ICQ Universe, please note that we are looking into the problem and are working on a proper solution.
Please note, the ICQ Support Team is aimed to assist users who experience specific, technically related difficulties when using the ICQ software
Thank You,
Nick Slater,
The ICQ Support Team.”
What did he mean with the fist and last sentence? Simple:
I have asked wether ttehy consider putting the old status of old icq clients (occupied, free for chat, etc) in the ICQ Status Manager as suggested in the ICQ Focus Group.
So I was not supposed to ask that in my ticket, hmm, only technical questions/problems regarding ICQ and its services, ok!
But they replied that they will work on a fix of an issue I have with the ICQ Universe.
I cannot accept invitations from somebody, I click on “Accept” and simply nothing happens. by the way.. it’s the same for many other users too 🙁
So far, I will keep you updated about this last ticket running, too!