5 years ago, when my old kitchen weight scale broke, I have found myself being fascinated of the Beurer KS 800 Kitchen Scale because it has a screen inside and it guides you graphical through the steps of a recipe connected via bluetooth to your iPhone and it’s Beurer recipe app.
Now the problem with iOS 13 is, that the way it handles bluetooth connection has been slightly changed due to many security improvements apple did to the bluetooth stack in its iOS.
Though luck considering the latest udpate to the app has been over a year ago.
After a bit of discussion with the Beurer tech support, a workaround has been found.
There is another kitchen scale of Beurer, the KS28 without bluetooth and hence the app requires activation since the last update (which causes the issue with the Beurer KS 800 in the first place, as before you could simply say “send to scale” in any recipe of the app) but since the KS28 has noo bluetooth module inside, the KS28 ships with a QR code one can scan to activate the app!
For your convenience, find that QR Code here:

This will force activation of the app. Now select any recipe in the app and on the bottom select “Send to scale”.
It will force a request to pair your KS 800 to iOS 13.x and voilla, the kitchen scale works again! 🙂